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Ovoderm® is an innovative nutraceutical ingrediente, specifically targeting support of skin health and “Beauty from within“.
It consists of a derivative from inner eggs membrane and it is naturally rich in collagen type I, V and X, besides containing a complex of hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphate and other GAG, elastin, other proteins and free aminoacids; all these molecules are well known for their positive impact on skin condition and wellbeing.
Ovoderm® is the only available source of collagen that is suitable for vegetarian diets; it is also obtained through a mild proprietary process that only uses mechanical steps thus preserving naturality and native status of bioactive molecules. Every batch of Ovoderm® is standardized through proprietary methods in collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
Suggested dosage is 300 mg/day. Scientific support is a key element for this ingredient: several preclinical and clinical studies have been conducted demonstrating how active biomolecules from Ovoderm®:
- improve skin elasticity
- reduce wrinkles and age signs
- support skin hydration
- reduce trans-epidermal water loss
also in subjects with a partially compromised skin barrier.
Ovoderm® is also devoted to better optimization of natural resources and circular economy as its production process is based on a byproduct of food industry that would normally be discarded but still very rich of substances that are useful for wellbeing of the organism.
Ovoderm® is available in a standard version, in a version with higher density and also in an aversion with incremented dispersibility.