
Anti-inflammatory | Antioxidants | Women's Health |

Ursolia® is a special dry extract of the aerial part of Salvia offcinalis L. with a standardized content of ursolic acid (≥ 15%). Ursolic acid is responsible for the anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties of sage and it also exerts a potent antioxidant and radical scavenger in vitro activity which surpasses the one of pine bark and grape seeds extracts.
Ursolic acid exhibits a reduction of inflammatory TNF and prostaglandin E2 in LPS-stimulated macrophages, and also showed a topical anti-inflammatory effect double than the one of indomethacin.
In conjunction with cranberries PACs, 100 mg/day of Ursolia® indicated a beneficial effect in the mitigation of inflammations caused by urinary tracts infections and in their recurrence.


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